
Trade Findings and Adjustments 11-09-2023

Trade Findings and Adjustments 11-09-2023

Keve Bybee –
AAPL – Earnings proved a lot of naysayers wrong and phone sales
were excellent.
DIS – Everybody said “their parks are bleeding cash!”
– One their biggest earners was parks!
– “They’re losing subscribers!” beat their subs expectations.
– 150.2Million Subs. 148 expected.
Which one would you choose for a trade?
– AAPL maybe looks safer near term for a trade
– DIS Looks much more impressive earnings report wise
– Maybe we keep an eye out for a pull back to launch higher for both
– Maybe we look at a bull call spread now, where if we get a pull
back we can take the short call off and let the long call run.
– AAPL 185/195 Bull Call out to January monthly.
– DIS 90/95 Bull Call same expiration OR 90/100
– AND/OR wait a few days and get in on a pullback

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