
Trade Findings and Adjustments 8-13-20

Trade Findings and Adjustments 8-13-20

Keve Bybee –



JPM – Kevin chose to go up in strike Jan22 55 strike long call Jan 21 120 short call.

  • One option is to have 2 longs for every 1 short
  • In todays current prices I would stick with original 50 long call strike/ 115 short call strike.


What if things move around the day after a trade is given?

  • Check the chart –
    • has a support or resistance been broken?
    • Has there been a reversal or direction change?
  • News on the stock: has it changed? Is there a headline that is causing the stock to fall?
  • Look at option prices
    • Are they significantly different from the day the trade was recommended?
    • If all else is the same, can I go up or down in strike prices, can I stay closer to the price we looked at when the trade was recommended?

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