
Trade Findings and Adjustments 06-09-2020

Trade Findings and Adjustments 06-09-2020


What does it take to be disciplined enough to wait for the next sale in the stock market?

Probably we will have another 20-35% drop when we end having covid-19 part II in Sept-Nov

Time to be patient when it comes to putting more money to work


What can we do to take advantage of BA move even though its already moved so far ?

For some of you we started off with 6 contracts for $34

We dollar cost averaged 6 more contracts $14

We dollar cost averaged 6-8 at 3.50

I think we even got some at $1.50-2.00

Net Average contract price 350 Jan 2021 Leap Long Calls $7.19-$7.28

So some of you started with 6 contracts and had 24-26

So some of you started with 4 contracts and had 18-20

So some of you started with 10 contracts and had 44-48

We now have 8.90 + 8.10 = $17 to get back  into BA


Even though we just booked roughly 14-34K I would start slowly again

I would look to start with 2-3 contracts and two different scenarios

IF I want to play resistance 275 Jan 22 Long Call for $36

         Primary exit at $270-$275 I exit my trade for a profit

         Secondary exit I will dollar cost average


IF I want play the long term rebound to $380-$400

I would use a 300 Jun 22 Long Call for $36

         Primary exit when it hits $380-400 exit the trade

         Secondary exit dollar cost average

         Resistance adjustment add one month short calls when it struggles getting over the 200 SMA

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