
Trade Findings and Adjustments 05-27-21

Trade Findings and Adjustments 05-27-21

Keve Bybee –

What type of risks should we look to protect stock positions for?

  • Earnings
  • Market Uncertainties – These change from time to time
    • Last year: Pandemic
    • This year: Other countries economies lagging from pandemic recovery
    • Inflation
    • Value of the dollar
    • Employment recovery
  • Biden for president (LOL)
    • Tax increases
    • Zombie Apocalypse
    • Gov’t spending
  • Support and resistance (technicals and charts)
    • Looking at what price people are buying/selling a stock.
    • Tracking herd mentality
  • News – used in conjunction with charts
    • Wars
    • Court challenges against big tech (antitrust suits)

MU – Jan 23 85 Strike Leap Long Calls

F – Jan 23 $15 strike Leap Long Calls

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