TradesTrade Findings and Adjustments 05-27-2020adminMay 28, 2020 by adminMay 28, 20200677 Trade Findings and Adjustments 05-27-2020 Leap BAC Long Call playing the run from June to July Possibly taking a profit And Making sure I have...
TradesTrade Findings and Adjustments 08-29-2019Kevin HurleySeptember 3, 2019September 3, 2019 by Kevin HurleySeptember 3, 2019September 3, 20190977 Trade Findings and Adjustments 08-29-2019 Quick “rebound” trade following the market An education is to help you learn how to do it on your own. ...
TradesTrade Findings and Adjustments 04-18-2019adminApril 22, 2019 by adminApril 22, 201902595 Trade Findings and Adjustments 04-18-2019 Happy Easter Weekend I spoke of doing a Protective Put strategy on FCX BUT if the stock starts to take...
Podcast Stock Market EducationTrade Findings or Adjustments 02-12-2019adminFebruary 14, 2019February 14, 2019 by adminFebruary 14, 2019February 14, 201901289 Trade Findings or Adjustments 02-12-2019 DIS – Common sense of trading an advisory DON’T just place the trade, follow that days trend, new events and...