A Registered Investment Adviser Trade Findings and Adjustments 10-10-2019 China talks starting today, with deregulation on banks and Trump will personally meet with the...
HI Financial Services Commentary 10-02-2018 YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/7npF3Juy4Ds What I want to talk about today? What is you favorite stock?= Made the most money with it...
HI Financial Services Commentary 08-28-2018 What I want to talk about today? Let me tell you a story on how being a Registered Investment Advisor SUCKS!!!...
HI Financial Services Commentary 11-21-2017 YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/EiwBxo3AQCs What do you want to talk about today? Let’s talk about the what if’s Why I say one thing...
HI Financial Services Commentary 11-14-2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wFYGOTj8bs What do you want to talk about today? Let’s talk about what, when and why protection is needed and what...
HI Financial Services Commentary 08-29-2017 https://youtu.be/FURV-6FuNAE Let’s talk this ridiculous market Last night I send this email out to my clientele Hello, North Korea shot a...
HI Financial Services Commentary 07-18-2017 https://youtu.be/QOCASItQ-78 YouTube video link Our market has had side way movement for 4 to 6 weeks So on CNBC and Bloomberg the talking...