Trade Findings and Adjustments 08-13-2019 The Olive branch was delayed tariffs on most Christmas bought items until end of December Dang if we aren’t in...
HI Financial Services Commentary 11-13-2018 YouTube: What I want to talk about today? ETF’s are what type of investing? Passive – sit in it...
HI Financial Services Commentary 02-27-2018 You Tube Link: What I want to talk about today? Volatility – Movement of the S&P (VIX) over the next...
HI Financial Services Commentary 01-30-2018 You Tube Link: What I want to talk about today? Let’s go over if the “style” of trading allows you to overcome...
HI Financial Services Mid-Week Commentary 06-09-2015 2015 S.M.A.R.T. GOALS – A must read As a coach I’ve heard two questions over and over again in the last couple...