
Trade Findings and Adjustments 08-20-2020

Trade Findings and Adjustments 08-20-2020

The top of a mountain, outside the Mustang Ridge Ashly National Forest, Flaming Gorge Green River Hurley Retreat

Its amazing what a sat phone can do while you are in the middle of nowhere !!!! 


Today was going to be a Q&A Session

How do you manage money when you are on vacation ?

     I usually have a registered investment advisor who works with me (Keve, Jeff, Jeffry, Mike) that understand options, collar trading, protective puts and place the trades as needed.  I usually call in and check to see how things are going.   


How did you know……?

     Nobody ever knows !!!  You take your best “educated”(meaning you do your own due diligence) make your decisions and adjust as needed. 


Looking at sell short call at $16 9/25 expiration for FCX


What is your next opportunity?

     Right now NOTHING is an opportunity with Sept/Oct election volatility and stimulus package coming so I am doing the hardest thing in trading/investing = I am being Patient which is harder than all things possible when trading !!!!!

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