
Trade Findings and Adjustments 07-29-21

Trade Findings and Adjustments 07-29-21

Keve Bybee –

FSLR earnings

  • Beat top and bottom
  • Gave lower than expected guidance for 2021
  • Falling in after hours trading
  • The long term play is still intact once the new Biden gov’t spending package goes through congress.

Why not put on new trades this week?

  • Reaction to some earnings reports have been odd
  • AAPL gave huge guidance number and beat top and bottom and fell down from 150 level.
  • AMZN who lowered guidance fell as well after earnings.
  • NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE!! Why should AAPL fall?
  • FB came out with great numbers for earnings and active user numbers. Still fell…
  • We don’t have a market that is rational and therefore it’s difficult to find a direction to follow from earnings reactions.

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