
Trade Findings and Adjustments 05-05-22

Trade Findings and Adjustments 05-05-22

Keve Bybee –

What’s happening?

  • Fed not considering a .75 rate increase
  • What’s wrong today? Worker productivity fell 7.5%, Labor costs up 11.6%, Jobless claims increased 200,000.

How do we manage this whipsaw movement?

  • Unprotected: AAPL, BA, F, FB, BAC, JPM
  • Look at the charts and decided which ones have a support level and which ones don’t. Which ones are holding support and which ones aren’t.
  • Focusing on BA, and F at the end of the day for possibly adding protection
  • Used our knowledge about the banks to decide we may be ok letting them (BAC, JPM) move around today.

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