Mid-Week Commentary Hurley Investments

HI Financial Services Mid-Week 03-24-2015

HI Financial Services Mid-Week 03-24-2015

Trading is very competitive and you have to be able to handle getting your butt kicked.  Paul Tudor Jones
Smart money vs Dumb Money thinking – I will blog my comments here tonight at www.myhurleyinvestment.com

What are the differences?

The only difference between smart money and dumb money is….. Time that they can wait for stocks to come back !!!!


Sometimes Smart money hedges better, “knows” they are trading a fundamentally sound company


Last week – spoke 2 people about LNCO


What’s happening this week and why?

Stock market can’t hold its gains !!! Why? Uncertainty still on Rates, Greece, Earnings, Economic Data, Strong Dollar,

Existing Home sales 4.88 vs est 4.90

CPI .2 vs est .2

Core CPI .2 vs est .1

FHHFA Housing Price index .3 vs est .8

New Home Sales 539 vs est 470


Price of oil may go up?!?!?!!!!  HOW

Oil is lower per barrel today than 6 weeks ago and I am pay $2.39 vs 1.65 6 weeks ago

 Where will our market end this week?

Go higher from here but not a whole lot 1%


DJIA – Rolling over and almost technically bearish

 Screen Shot 03-24-15 at 04.45 PM

SPX – Ditto as the DJIA

 Screen Shot 03-24-15 at 04.45 PM 001

COMP – Remains Bullish

  Screen Shot 03-24-15 at 04.46 PM

Where Will the SPX end March 2015?

03-24-2015          March will finish flat with a 3.5% move down and back up


03-17-2015          March will finish flat with a 3.5% move down and back up


03-10-2015          March will finish flat with a 3.5% move down and back up


03-03-2015          March will finish flat with a 3.5% move down and back up


02-25-2015 March will finish flat with a 3.5% move down and back up



What is on tap for the rest of the week?=


Tues:          DANG, FUL

Wed:          APOL, FIVE, PVH, RHT

Thur:         ACN, CAG, GME, RH

Fri:             CCL


Econ Reports:

Tues:           CPI, Core CPI, FHFA Housing Price Index, New Home Sales

Wed:          MBA, Crude, Durable Goods, Durable ex-trans

Thur:         Initial Claims, Continuing Claims,

Fri:              GDP-3rd Est., GDP Deflator, Michigan Sentiment




Tues –         DE:FR:EMU: PMI Composite

Wed –         FR: Business Climate

Thurs –       DE: Consumer Climate, GB: Retail Sales, EMU: M3 Money Supply

Friday –    

Sunday –   JP: Industrial Production



How I am looking to trade? Let me Show you what I changed and why?

Most of my stocks are thru earnings:

I have some stock only positions – DIS, NVDA, F, SBUX, D, LNCO, ZION, BABA

I have Protective puts on AAPL, CLDX

Still IN collars for – BIDU, FB,

Covered Calls on – VZ, WBA, SNDK, P


Put Calendar – LNCO

          AAPL Bear put calendar with long puts


1st I am creating my earnings list so I don’t miss an earnings for a company I trade

WBA –        03/24

PCLN –       02/19

NKE –         3/19

RHT –         3/26

MU-            4/2





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