MidWeek Commentary

HI Financial Services Commentary 08-01-2017

 HI Financial Services Commentary 08-01-2017

You Tube Link:  https://youtu.be/_yPYWOyMRVQ

Earnings are great !!!!  companies have streamlined their process and cut out all the fat

V, FB, BIDU, AAPL and soon to be DIS, F, BAC, C, financials

V had great earnings because….. Bought Visa Europe and working with Pay Pal


FB beat because they streamline and bought other opportunities

BIDU – Great earnings by no longer advertising fake medical sales/remedies and by beating the news against it. 


AAPL UP $10 post market

$1.67 vs est $1.57 on top line

45.4 B vs est 44.9B

NO Iphone 8 delays

41M vs est 40.7 = 300,000 more iphone sold

11.4 ipads sold vs est 9 M

7.3 B in total revenue from services

261Billion in free cash hoard


IF you collar trade you can afford to wait for things to take off and bearish movement is a HUGE opportunity to lower cost basis and/or dollar cost average without having to come up with more money!!!!


What’s happening this week and why?

Great Earnings, Higher, highs on the indexes

Better earnings this quarter than last year same quarter

Better Expectations of government regulations going lax

Chicago PMI 58.9 vs est 60

Pending Home Sales 1.5 vs est 1.1

Personal Income 0.0 vs est 0.3

Personal Spending 0.1 vs est 0.1

PCE Prices 0.1 vs est 0.1

Construction Spending -1.3 vs est 0.5

ISM Index 56.3 vs est 56.2

Autos 16.77 million when last year this time 17.81 million



Where will our market end this week?



DJIA – Bullish and Overbought


SPX –  Bullish


COMP – Bullish  



Where Will the SPX end August 2017?

08-01-2017           +2.0%




What is on tap for the rest of the week?=



Wed:          D, CAH, GRMN

Thur:           CLX



Econ Reports:


Wed:           MBA,  ADP Employment

Thur:          Initial, Continuing Claims,  Challenger Job Cuts, ISM Services, Factory Orders,

Fri:             Ave Workweek, Non-Farm Payroll, Private Payroll, Hourly Earnings, Unemployment rate, Trade Balance




Tues –        

Wed –        

Thursday –

Friday –    

Sunday –     



How I am looking to trade?


Earnings List:


AOBC 9/7 est

C 10/12 BMO







Does the amazon purchase really warrant a $20 drop in stock price and an oversold stock?  I don’t think so either and 160 is a support level with the 200 SMA.  Again and bullish trade like a protective put, out of the money covered call, bull call, bull put, naked put all can use the 160ish level of support 200


COST Long calls








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These 10 brutal truths about life will help you get your shit together


July 10, 2017

5 minute read •

by Lachlan Brown


In Inspirational




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If you’re like me, you get annoyed at the “fairy tale” successful life stories. They usually go something like this:

  • I had a


  • So then I achieved it!


  • Voila! And here I am now giving you


And the author ALWAYS skips over the hard parts to make themselves look smarter than they really are.


Give me a break.


I’m 29 now. And while I still have a lot to learn, I know life is much harder than these success stories make it seem.


So today, I’m going to go over 10 brutal truths about life that mainstream media simply won’t tell us.




  • Without goals, life is pointless



If you’re not working towards something, then you’re simply living without direction. Goals help us to sort out what is important and what isn’t.


And when I look back on my life, my happiest moments are when I’m focused on the present moment working towards something bigger than myself.


  • What other people think about you really doesn’t matter



I’m sure many people can relate to this. I know I can. We need to realize how ridiculous all this worrying is. Being entirely dependent on others to experience self-worth is not healthy. The moment people stop saying positive words towards you, you feel dejected and devalued. It’s up to you to build your own value and approval in life.


  • We don’t have much



A lot of us experience a great deal of anxiety thanks to our preference to control everything in our lives. But the truth is, we don’t have much control. Think about your body right now. Your hair grows by itself. The heart beats by itself. Your glands secrete their essences by themselves. If you’re going to be human, it’s fundamental to accept that in life we don’t have much control.


On some level, you’ve got to let go and accept what you can’t control, so you can spend more energy focusing on things you actually can.


  • Failure is the road to success



Nobody has a life just full of success. It’s unavoidable to have some sort of failure in your life unless you don’t take the chance to succeed. Yet so often we try to avoid failure because it makes us feel worse about ourselves.


But if we’re honest, failure often gives us the best lessons in life. It’s time to not fear failure as it may be your stepping stone to finding success.


  • A person isnt deined by what they own



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Expensive cars, branded bags, lavish clothes – Sure they may seem cool when you’re young, but they do not add value to you as a person. It’s time to stop focusing on these material things and start building meaningful experiences and relationships.

  • Thinking vs doing is not the same



We do a whole lot of daydreaming when we’re young. But if there’s no actions involved it will never happen. Success will not come find you and pick you up on the journey, it’s our responsibility to get up and start doing what we’ve been thinking about.


We need to stop waiting for that perfect moment and get going!



  • Change is the only law in life you can count on



Change is the only constant in the universe. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to stop the natural force of things. We’re all getting older. It’s better to grasp the good moments while you can, while accepting that life goes on.


  • Everyone you know will eventually die



When we’re young, we don’t appreciate this fact. We think our elders will live forever. They won’t. And if you forget this then you won’t make the most of these relationships while you have them.


  • Worrying is useless



Worrying is created in the mind and really doesn’t offer any value to our lives. Will worrying change what’s going to happen? If not, then it’s a waste of time. This quote from Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh says it best:


“Worrying does not accomplish anything. Even if you worry twenty times more, it will not change the situation of the world. In fact, your anxiety will only make things worse. Even though things are not as we would like, we can still be content, knowing we are trying our best and will continue to do so. If we don’t know how to breathe, smile,and live every moment of our life deeply, we will never be able to help anyone. I am happy in the present moment. I do not ask for anything else. I do not expect any additional happiness or conditions that will bring about more happiness. The most important practice is aimlessness, not running after things, not grasping.”  – Thich Nhat Hanh



  • The root of suffering is pursuing temporary feelings



So many of us crave those feelings of what we think is happiness. We think happiness includes excitement, joy, euphoria…but these are only temporary feelings. And the constant pursuit of these feelings only turns into suffering because they don’t last.

Instead true happiness comes from inner peace – being content with what you have and who you are.


All of us have dreams about what we’d like to do, who we’d like to be and where we’d like to go in life. But most of us are never able to make these dreams a reality. Now, in this highly motivating new book, Jeanette Brown uses her experience as a life coach to show us that we can turn our own lives around.

With encouragement, humor and an emphasis on the practical, Jeanette sets out the 10 steps to taking control of our lives in 78 page eBook.


For a limited time only, we’ve reduced the price of Jeanette’s e-book from $49 to only $19. Visit this link now to purchase the book and turn some of the ideas in this article into reality in your life.

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