MidWeek Commentary

HI Finacial Services Mid-Week 04-15-2014

HI Financial Services Mid-Week 04-15-2014

What has happened to my gains and why am I paying so
much in taxes
– Perspective
Student for Safe Option Strategies

          Best Buy has moved down on low volume, at line MACD, and no
clear indicator.  Holding off on
adjustment until the trend is confirmed and the available adjustments does not
have weekly adjustments.  I don’t like
where I can roll the options.   We can
roll it into an outright bear call but you would have to roll to a 24, 23, 22
strike to take in a decent size credit with an expectation that the stock will
move below the short call for max reward. 
We may have to roll the whole trade out in time for more opportunities
to become profitable.

          NVDA is up and down but nothing to do to adjust the
straddle until after the earnings report. 

          No other trades need adjustments at this time

          F looks real good, SNDK exploding collar is on Thursday


What has been happening
so far this week?

          Yesterday retail sales came in strong that showed that the
weather was a part of the down market. 
Today Poor Empire Manufacturing and NAHB housing numbers but it is all
about the Russians!!!!


Do you guys really trade
what you teach???


Where will our market
end this week?

          I don’t know but, IT feels a lot like 2008.  100 points up, 100 points down finishing up
88 points.  Volatility is really moving
the markets INTRA-DAY!

SO I have to adjust my
thinking to understand the right and responsibilities of options.  When I look at my portfolio, I have to keep
in mind where I have the right to sell or where I am obligated to sell my
shares and ignore the intra-day pricing. 
When technical cross-overs occurred a week ago or so on some for the
stocks I trade I prepared for earning a little bit earlier than I normally do.


DJIA– RSI , 5 & 20
EMA and MACD are all bearish but looking to move bullish maybe in the near


 SPX – Mirrors the DJIA



COMP – Was down 9% and
only down 8.5% end of today. Bounce off the 200 SMA which means institutional
money was supporting the Nasdaq.



Where Will the SPX end April


 I would feel
lucky if we hit 1900 by the end of the month but I believe it all depends on


We hit 1900 the first
week of April.  We hit my expectation but
we sure didn’t hold it worth beans.  I am
still going to follow the trend and call 1900 to be at by the end of the month
of higher.  Now if earnings don’t come in
like we expect or worse than expected economic news occurs we could be looking
at a much lower SPX number.  Right now it
hasn’t occurred so I won’t speculate and screw up my trading.



We are starting a new
quarter which normally means buying for funds and re-establishing
positions.    The market received very dovish comments
by Yellen and earnings season starts with low expectations.  Let’s shoot for 1900 again.                 


What is on tap for the rest
of the week?=


         SCHW, JNJ, KO, YHOO, INTC

         SNDK, ABT, USB, COF, GOOG

        AMD, BLK, CMG, GE, GS, MS, PEP, SLB,

Fri:              Go


Econ Reports

Tues:  CPI< Core
CPI, Empire Manufacturing, NAHB Housing Index

Wed:  MBA, Housing
Starts, Building Permits, Industrial Production, Capacity Utilization, Fed
Beige Book

Thurs: Initial  Claims, Continuing, Phil Fed




Tues –   GB:
CPI, PPI CN: GDP, Industrial Prod, Retails Sales

Wed –    EMU:
HICP Inflation numbers

Thurs –JP: Tertiary
Index, DE: PPI

Sunday –  JP:
Merchandise Trade


How I am looking to

I am protected for earning
season on the stocks I trade.  GO collar
trade GO!!!



AAPL         4/23   AMC          EPS-$10.14

BA              4/23   BMO          EPS-$1.56

BIDU          4/24   AMC

CAT           4/24                      EPS-$1.25


D                4/30

DIS             5/6

F                 4/25

FB              4/23   AMC          EPS-$0.24

GOOG       4/16

LNCO        5/01   BMO          EPS-$0.52

MS             4/17   BMO          EPS-$0.61

MEI            6/19

SNDK        4/16   AMC          EPS-$1.25

SBUX         4/24  

TSLA         5/07   estimated

ZION         4/21   AMC          EPS-$0.42




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